Our New Community Partner for 2025

We’re thrilled to share the details of our new community partnership! For 2025, the beneficiary of our flower and produce sales program is the Wake County Boys & Girls Clubs

Through this partnership, we continue and deepen our focus on supporting non-profit organizations that serve youth at risk of food and nutrition insecurity. With ten different clubs spread out across the county, the Boys and Girls Club provides low-cost out-of-school-time programs for underserved youth (of the 3,267 youth that WCBGC served last year, 75% qualified for free/reduced lunch). The clubs offer several programs that help youth achieve academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. 

In addition to fundraising, we’re working directly with the organization’s Director of Child Nutrition Programs and Education to support the organization’s feeding program and Healthy Habits curriculum. WCBGC provides more than 300 hot, nutritious meals for members of the Raleigh clubs each evening, and its Healthy Habits programming equips youth with the skills and knowledge to prioritize nutrition. Healthy Habits classes include lessons about healthy eating, staying active, adequate sleep, hydration, personal hygiene, basic life skills such as CPR, and mental health wellness. Older members can take cooking and baking classes, where they can learn about kitchen safety, food science, and nutrition while enjoying the meals and snacks they create. 

Through our partnership, we’ll be providing donated produce for use in these programs, and hosting on-site educational opportunities at the farm. 

As Burkett Farm grows, our expanding network of community partners will also grow. If you have thoughts or ideas about other organizations we should reach out to for partnerships in the future, drop us a line!


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