Support Local Farms: Triangle-Area CSA Programs Now Open for Spring Sign Ups
Browse our list of local Triangle farms currently offering CSA sign ups.

Our New Community Partner for 2025
This year we’re teaming up with Wake County Boys and Girls Club!

The Apps We Rely on For Off-Grid Energy Management
Reviewing the tools that help us conserve power.

What Makes a Great Good Space?
A recap on our summer event partnership with A Great Good Space, the pop-up community design studio.

Field Notes: Seconds & Byproducts
Blemished. Cracked. Cat-faced. Pest-pressured. Not every tomato could win a beauty pageant. But at our farm, these "seconds" are coveted.

Event Recap: Farm to Pasta
A recap of our pasta event with Danny Cowan and Erin Torgerson.

Barn Series: Green Roofs
Green roofs are a key solution for mitigating urban heat stress and stormwater management in our changing climate.

With Perennial Rows, Chaos Reigns
Saving space for perennials among your produce has ecological (and culinary) advantages

Soil Project: The Haney Test
We used the Haney Soil test to measure the health of our soil, and we’re sharing the results.

Where Are the Burkett Farm Blooms Going?
Our partnership with The Flower Shuttle shares the joy of cut flowers with those experiencing poverty, terminal illness, sickness, or disability

Field Notes: Hakurei Turnips
Hakurei turnips provide flexibility and flavor during colder weather.

Event Recap: Flower Wreath Workshop
Check out our dried flower wreath guide and see photos from our first event of 2024.

Meet Our New Community Partner for 2024
We’re joining forces with Haven House Services in Raleigh

Field Notes: Farming by the Numbers
A look at the numbers from 2023 as we make our crop plan for 2024.

From the Kitchen: Kraut, Luck & Money, and a New Year’s Ham
Embracing the new year, bacteria and all

Field Notes: Arugula
Arugula, known as “rocket” , is easy to grow and climate hardy. Our arugula pesto grilled cheese recipe will turn you into an arugula super fan.

Barn Series: A Farmer Friendsgiving
What does the annual food event look like on a farm? Using what you have, as thoughtfully and enthusiastically as possible.